Why help fund coral reef restoration ?
Coral reefs are essential organisms for biodiversity. They are home to about 25 % of the world’s marine life while occupying only o.2 % of the ocean floor. It is estimated that 2 to 4 million species live there.
Today, 85 % of coral reefs are directly threatened. Their situation is very concerning : scientists estimate that the coral might be completely extinct by 2100. This lightning disappearance comes directly from human activity and more precisely from exploitation, destructive fishing techniques and marine tourism.
At the same time, corals suffer from waste discharged into the oceans and from waste water discharges. These two actions poison coral reefs and lead to the growth of algae that suffocate them by depriving them of light. The consequences are visible : corals are the victims of bleaching due to the greenhouse effect, ocean acidity and pollution.
The restoration of coral reefs is a solution to regenerate this vital biodiversity while preserving the benefits they represent. Corals have several fundamental roles that must be preserved :
– They are a refuge and habitat for thousands of fish, crustaceans (contributing to the filtering of water in particular), plankton and algae. By destroying these natural environments, the very existence of these species is threatened ;
– They are a major bulwark against violent natural phenomenons such as cyclones, typhoons or hurricanes ;
– They protect coastlines from erosion caused by tropical storms, and act as a barrier against rising water levels ;
– They have recently proven to be very effective in treatments for cancer or AIDS.
To protect these organisms, the importance of which no longer remains to be proven, many organizations specialize in their restoration. By making a donation, you are providing them with valuable financial assistance to accomplish this mission.
Who are YouCare’s partner associations ?
YouCare financially supports three associations that are working to restore the reefs most affected by human activities : Coralive.org, Reefscapers Foundation et Ocean Gardener.
You can discover on our map all the associations we support. For each of them, you will find their contact information in their description.
Organizations map
How is my donation used ?
It is our duty to offer you maximum visibility on the use of your donation.
When you make a donation via our donation page, it is entirely collected by the YouCare Association, which then donates 70 % of your donation to its partner associations.
For example, if you make a donation of 10 euros, 7 euros will be donated to YouCare partner associations, which will restore 1,890 cm² of coral reef. (Access the detailed calculation here.)
The remaining 30 % is used to cover the operating costs of our solidarity search engine YouCare, which, unlike its competitors, uses half of its advertising revenues to help its partner associations financially. Click here to try YouCare.
Proof of donations
You will find on our donation certificates page the history of all donations made to our partner associations.
Certificates of donation
In addition to our donation certificates, we ask our partner associations to regularly send us, as soon as they have the time and opportunity, photos of their restored coral nurseries in order to share with you the evolution of the projects.
Photos of donations
Is my donation subject to a tax reduction ?
How do I get my tax receipt ?
When you make a donation via our donation page, it is collected by the YouCare Association, which transfers it to its partner associations.
Once you have made your donation, you will receive a summary email from the YouCare Association. In this email, you will find a link to get your tax receipt.
If you cannot find our email, you can obtain your tax receipt via the button below.
Get my tax receipt
How to contact us ?
You can send us a message using our contact page.
You can also contact us or follow us through our social networks:
- Instagram : @YouCare_fr
- Facebook : @YouCare.world
- Twitter : @YouCare_fr
- LinkedIn : YouCare France