Why help animal shelters?
– Investigate and rescue animals reported for abuse ;
– Accommodate abandoned or lost animals ;
– Care for, walk around and ensure the safety of their animals ;
– Fight against animal overpopulation through sterilization programmes ;
– Take care of the life of shelters and the maintenance of the premises ;
– Provide canine and feline animal education ;
– Find an adoptive family for each resident ;
– Promote animal protection to the general public ;
– Engage with the public authorities to advance the animal cause.
Who are YouCare’s partner shelters ?
YouCare now has several hundred partner associations. The vast majority of these shelters are independent and do not receive any public assistance.
You can find all the shelters we support on our map. For each of them, you will find their contact information in their description.
Are you affiliated with a pet food brand ?
No, to ensure that shelters can buy the food they need and that animals have continuity in their food, shelters are free to choose the food brands they prefer for their animals.
How is my donation used ?
It is our duty to offer you the maximum visibility on the use of your donation.
When you make a donation via our donation page, it is entirely collected by the YouCare Association, which then donates 70 % of your donation to its partner shelters.
For example, if you make a donation of 10 euros, 7 euros will be donated to YouCare’s partner shelters, which will offer 70 meals to animals.
The remaining 30 % is used to cover the operating costs of our solidarity search engine YouCare, which, unlike its competitors, uses half of its advertising revenues to help its partner associations financially. Click here to try YouCare.
For your information, the cost of a meal for an animal is 10 cents euro.
This is the remaining cost of a shelter to feed a dog, cat or NAC (New Pets : Rabbits, Birds, Reptiles, etc.). This price reflects the fact that shelters benefit from preferential rates on their food purchases and donations of food by those who support them.
Proof of my donation
You will find on our donation certificates page the history of all donations made to our partner associations.
Certificates of donations
In addition to our donation certificates, we ask our partner shelters to regularly send us photos of food purchases made through our donations.
Of course, we do not ask them to send us a photo every time we give them a donation. It would take them far too long, as shelters need time to take good care of their animals.
Photos of donations
Is my donation the subject to a tax reduction?
If you are a company domiciled in France, you can deduct from your income tax or your corporate tax 60 % of the amount of your donations and this within the limit of 5 per thousand of the annual turnover excluding tax (ceiling applied to all payments made).
The reduction is subtracted from the amount of tax payable by the donating company in the year of the payments.
To learn more about the deductibility of your donations, click here.
How do I get my tax receipt ?
When you make a donation via our donation page, it is collected by the YouCare Association, which transfers it to its partner shelters.
How to contact us ?
You can send us a message using our contact page.
You can also contact us or follow us through our social networks :
- Instagram : @YouCare_fr
- Facebook : @YouCare.world
- Twitter : @YouCare_fr
- LinkedIn : YouCare France