How do your searches finance school hours for disadvantaged children ?

When you carry out 45 searches with YouCare, you allow to finance one hour of schooling for a child who does not have access to Education.

YouCare provides financial support to SOS Enfants and Vision du Monde whose mission is to support education programs and create schools to promote the education of the most vulnerable children in the world.

Click here to locate the map of the countries where SOS Enfants and Vision du Monde operate.


About SOS Enfants :

SOS Enfants was awarded the International Human Rights Prize in 1987 and the association was recognized as promoting the public interest in 2007.

The first vocation of SOS Enfants is to offer children the opportunity to access education and to acquire training enabling them to become responsible for their own development.

The priority of SOS Enfants is to avoid at all costs that the help they give to children creates arbitrary and unjust inequalities leading to unnecessary jealousy in the already difficult life of these children. SOS Enfants therefore ensures that the same support is provided to all children and their families in a fair and equitable manner.
The money of SOS Enfants is entrusted neither to the child nor to his family, the funds received by SOS Enfants are donated to the structures welcoming the children and used in an equitable way for the benefit of all. It is mainly used for the overall operation of the school, home, orphanage or reception centre frequented by the child.

SOS Enfants sets humanitarian education and training actions up in Haiti, DR Congo, Rwanda, Burkina Faso, Cameroon, Madagascar and Nepal.

Thanks to their efforts, SOS Enfants has been able to form in the world a great chain of hope composed of :

– 400 members ;

– 3500 donors ;

– 20 volunteers ;

– More than 60 partner associations worldwide.

To learn more about how SOS Enfants works :


About Vision du Monde :

World Vision is an international solidarity NGO working to help children. The association is a member of the international partnership World Vision, the 1st child sponsorship NGO in the world and the 1st non-governmental supplier of drinking water. World Vision operates in almost 100 countries.

Vision du Monde’s mission is to help the most vulnerable children, to lift them out of extreme poverty and to give them the possibility to live their lives in all its fullness. By tackling the root causes of poverty, World Vision is protecting children today and empowering them for tomorrow. By working hand in hand with local organizations and associations, the association helps children from everywhere, even in the most dangerous areas.

All actions have the same goal : families’s autonomy. The association’s development programs, which last on average 10 to 15 years, make it possible to support communities over the long term and to find with them sustainable solutions adapted to their needs.

Discover the actions of Vision du Monde, summarized in 2 minutes :

How 45 searches can fund one hour of schooling ?

On average, one child in primary, middle or high school is enrolled 180 days a year.

With 7 hours of schooling (including lunch) per day, this makes 1260 hours of schooling per year.

The price to sponsor a child to college via SOS Children is 10 euros per month, or 120 euros per year.

If we divide 120 euros by 1260 hours, then we get 10 cents per hour of schooling for a child.

By doing 45 searches with YouCare, you generate 10 euro cents of advertising revenue for the good deed you support. Since one hour of schooling for a disadvantaged child is 10 cents euro, you only need to do 45 searches to finance one hour of schooling for a disadvantaged child.

To learn more about YouCare’s sources of income, you can visit this page : How does YouCare finance your good deeds ?

The issue of access to education in the world:

The latest UNESCO report from 2018 shows that one in five children under the age of 18 does not go to school.

The reasons for dropping out of school are numerous and often complicated, but it is possible to point to some major obstacles :


Girls from rural areas are often excluded and this phenomenon is accentuated by early motherhood.


Tuition fees and associated costs (uniforms, supplies) can be barriers to education. Families often confronted with the tough choice between paying for schooling or dropping out of school, the second choice being when they don’t have enough money.

Lack of safety

Children may have to travel great distances to go to school, and sometimes take dangerous paths. Their parents pretty often prefer to keep them safe at home.

Child labor

Some children work on fields or to have to fetch water to help their parents, reducing their school attendance. Some others are forced to quit school to work in extremely dangerous conditions (in mines or to make bricks, for example).

Disasters and wars

When a natural disaster occurs (as an earthquake), or a conflict breaks out, schooling is pretty often interrupted. Emergency situations are particularly traumatic for children. The future of these school-deprived children is then compromised and the risks to their survival and development increase.

In some countries at war, children can be recruited to fight by becoming child soldiers and are thus, are prevented from going to school.


Marginalized groups (ethnic minorities, refugees, people with disabilities, etc.) face difficulties in getting their children into school. Too often, children who are seen as different because of their poverty, language, gender or culture are discriminated against and excluded from school.
Photo taken by SOS Enfants in Cameroon.